
Atomic mail verifier port
Atomic mail verifier port

atomic mail verifier port atomic mail verifier port

Maintains the scalability and fault tolerance of the service. Instead, the components can manage the subscription and send outgoing emails. The EL Worker reduces the load on the EL API components that no longer need to download emails. This enables high-load services to handle emails smoother during peaks in the email flow. The additional module downloads emails from the mail server and delivers them to Creatio. Maintains the scalability and fault tolerance of the primary Email Listener module. Redis requires a separate database for the Exchange Listener service operation. This enables any container to handle Creatio requests to add a new subscription or check the status of a specific subscription regardless of the subscription node. The Redis repository holds information about the mailboxes that are served. Creates a scalable and fault tolerant system of handler nodes. An in-memory repository is sufficient to deploy the service. The email is downloaded upon receiving the corresponding event. The open subscription remains in the component memory to ensure fast response time when new emails arrive. Creates a subscription to “new message” events using the mailbox credentials. Initiates an outgoing connection to EWS API or IMAP. The service consists of the following components: This article covers the deployment of Exchange Listener synchronization service for Creatio on-site. The synchronization service is required to manage emails in Creatio. Email Listener lets you use horizontal scaling that enables the active use of email synchronization block and controlled use of resources. The Email Listener (formerly Exchange Listener) service synchronizes Creatio with Microsoft Exchange and IMAP/SMTP mail services using a subscription mechanism.

Atomic mail verifier port